Complexity in India – Russia relations

IAS Current affairs - Complexity in India - Russia relations

Complexity in India – Russia relations


  • Recently a diplomat from Australia supported India’s strategic engagement with Russia claiming that India has to deal with China In the north eastern border.


  • Russia remains an all-weather friend for India, even at UNSC Russia has been supporting India’s stand.
  • Russia being a major veto power Has helped India in Kashmir issue.
    Even in the Cold War period Russia has been a constant supporter apart from this India import most of its defence equipment’s from Russia.
  • Even though India has been diversifying its defence needs to countries such as USA and Israel Russia still remains a major defence partner.
  • In this context India faces a diplomatic challenge of balancing the western powers and its age old relations with Russia.
  • But since the 1990s in the new liberal global order India has strengthened its relations with the West especially United States of America.

About Quad-

  • Apart from dealing with the land border, India has large maritime borders Where it has to deal with Chinese assertiveness.
  • Hence The Quad grouping plays a major role in the Indian Ocean region.
  • Japan Australia and USA being naval super powers can help India in countering China’s assertiveness.
Way forward-
  • With China’s Naval expansion, Many in the region especially the Southeast Asian countries and other small countries in the Indian Ocean region face the threat of expansion of China.
  • India being a major country in this region can play a huge role in upholding the balance of power.