India Climate Energy Dashboard (ICED) 3.0
NITI Aayog launched India Climate Energy Dashboard (ICED) 3.0.
Main highlights:
The India Climate Energy Dashboard (ICED) stands as a platform, serving as India’s one-stop hub for real-time data concerning the energy sector, climate statistics, and other economically relevant datasets sourced directly from the government’s published materials.
- In its latest iteration, ICED 3.0, this powerful tool empowers users with the freedom to access and analyze datasets using a cutting-edge analytical engine, opening the doors to a realm of invaluable insights.
- Unlike traditional data repositories, ICED goes beyond mundane numbers, delving deep into the heart of the matter. Its primary goal is not just to present data but to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of India’s energy and climate sectors.
- Unveiling the key challenges, the platform sheds light on the hurdles that lie ahead while simultaneously providing a space for innovation and solutions.
- ICED 3.0 – extracts and assimilates insights from a vast array of available data parameters. This unique approach endows it with the capability to monitor India’s clean energy transition journey in unprecedented detail. By aggregating and displaying more than 500 parameters, the dashboard paints a holistic picture of the complexities intertwined within India’s energy sector.