Green Jobs

IAS Current affairs - Green Jobs

Green Jobs


  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently addressed at a World Environment Day ceremony about India’s ongoing efforts to combat climate change.
  • He also addressed India’s efforts to develop “green jobs” during his speech.

What are Green Jobs?

  • Green occupations are jobs that have a direct positive impact on the environment and contribute to overall environmental welfare. Jobs involving renewable energy, resource conservation, and energy efficiency are all classified as part of this category.
  • Overall, they’re intended at lowering economic sectors’ negative environmental impacts and accelerating the transition to a low-carbon economy.
  • The concept of a low-carbon economy, also known as decarbonisation, is straightforward: it is all about sustaining a sustainable economy that does not result in massive emissions of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide.

Status in India:

  • In 2015, the Union government has established the Skill Council for Green Jobs.
  • It was established as a not-for-profit, independent, industry-led programme, aligned to the National Skill Development Missions.
  • The council, which is jointly sponsored by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) and the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), aims to assist manufacturers and other service providers in India’s “green business” sector in implementing industry-led, collaborative skills that will help the country realise the true potential and significance of “green jobs.”
  • According to the Skill Council for Green Jobs, increasing public awareness and training in green jobs skills would help to limit greenhouse gas emissions, reduce waste and pollution, protect and restore ecosystems, and aid in climate change adaptation.

      Source The Hindu