Indian Parliament deadlock

Indian Parliament deadlock

 Indian Parliament deadlock

#GS02 #Polity #Parliament and State Legislature

The budget session of the Indian parliament typically runs from late January to Early April during which the Government presents its annual budget and various legislative bills are introduced and debated. However, in recent years the parliament has frequently faced deadlock and disruptions due to various issues and political disagreements. 


  • The recent second leg of the session is in a deadlock. This is because the BJP is demanding an apology from Rahul Gandhi for the remarks he made in London
  • The Congress party is also demanding for a Joint Parliamentary Committee to probe the allegations of dubious financial transactions and corrupt business practices against the Adani group of industries.
  • Rahul Gandhi has not been able to speak in parliament to explain his remarks meanwhile one of the BJP members initiated a process to terminate Rahul Gandhi’s membership


  • When we look at the past few years, it clearly shows that both the productivity of Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha is lower than its previous years.
  •  When disruptions occur in the parliament, then the speaker is forced to adjourn the session.
  • In this way, a lot of bills that were supposed to be discussed in the parliament, are just passed in haste or not discussed.

Ways forward

  • Parliament’s working days will be extended: This will help in getting more bills discussed after having time to sort out issues among the members.
  • Implement the code of conduct: The MPs and other Members must be held to a higher level of standard. And they must be held accountable for their misbehaviors in the parliament.
  • Implement changes to the anti-defection legislation: Further strengthening of the law can help in preventing political defections at the time of an important passing of the law.
  • Give private member legislation more room and consideration: This helps in getting new laws into consideration which will help the public. These bills won’t have a political agenda and the chances of this bill being discussed without any disruptions are much higher.
  • “Public Interest Legislation” should be enabled: This is where the people bring in laws to be discussed in the parliament. This is followed in some parts of the world.
  • Opposition Day: This is being followed in the UK and it is one of the best practices to reduce disruptions in the parliament. The opposition will be given definite time to discuss any matter so that these issues can be discussed without disrupting the other working days.