We need an urgent national plan on electrical safety

We need an urgent national plan on electrical safety

#GS-02 Governance

For Mains



  • According to National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) deaths due to electric shocks and fires have increased from 2,957 in 1990 to 15,258 in 2020.
  • Over 90% of the people who die due to electric accident are general public.
  • Geographically most of the deaths are happening at rural areas but urban poor is also under threat.
  • Currently there is no mechanism to ensure that the electrical utilities are following the safety guidelines setup by the Central Electricity Authority (CEA).
  • There is more focus given on compensating the victim rather than on accident prevention.




  • Proper monitoring on safety regulations being followed and conduct safety audits.
  • Fill the vacancies in states for Electrical Inspectors and increase their numbers to meet the demands of a rapidly electrifying nation.
  • Create awareness among the general public about electrical safety and its importance.
  • Collect sufficient data to ensure a better system can be put in place to reduce the chances of such accidents happening in future.