Female Labour Force Participation Rate

IAS Current affairs - Female Labour Force Participation Rate

Female Labour Force Participation Rate


• The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation has been regularly releasing the FLFPR data.
Year wise Data:
1. 2017-18 – 23.3%
2. 2018-19 – 24.5%
3. 2019-20 – 30.0%


• Codification of the Labour Laws provides a policy framework for harmonizing the needs of job seekers, workers and employers.
• The Labour Codes will, inter-alia, reduce multiplicity of definitions & authorities, facilitate implementation & use of technology in enforcement of labour laws and bring transparency & accountability in enforcement, promote setting up of more enterprises, catalyzing the creation of employment opportunities in the country.
• It would promote setting up of industries by reducing rigidity of labour market and facilitate hassle free compliance, paving the way for realizing the goal of Atmanirbhar Bharat.
• The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 now subsumed in the Code on Wages, 2019 provides that there shall be no discrimination in an establishment or any unit thereof among employees on the ground of gender in matters relating to wages by the same employer, in respect of the same work or work of similar nature done by any employee.
• Further, no employer shall make any discrimination on the ground of sex while recruiting any employee for the same work or work of similar nature in the conditions of employment, except where the employment of women in such work is prohibited or restricted by or under any law for the time being in force.


Source: THE HINDU.